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Please carefully read installation process, otherwise fd_banking resource will not work.


We've tried not to use a lot of third party dependencies, so you won't need to install that many dependencies. For this resource to work, you'll need to install

Supported framework: QBCore or QBox [mandatory]

  • oxmysql [mandatory]
  • ox_lib [mandatory]
  • ox_target [optional, places for it is not escrowed and can be easily changed to qb-target]


Resource is compatible with QBCore or QBox, you can get it at QBCore Framework Repository or QBox Project Repository. However, it's tested only with newest versions.

Framework detection

Framework is detected automatically by resource name. if you've renamed qb-core or qbx-core to something else, please go to modules/bridge and update resourceName variable accordingly in the following files:

local resourceName = 'qb-core'

Adjust config

Before starting, please adjust config values as you want. Config



ensure ox_lib

ensure fd_banking

to your server.cfg and if you did everything as described above, please start your server and enjoy your new shiny new banking system.

Common Issues


If your user doesn't have permissions to create tables, please grant him permissions to do so. You can do it by executing following query:

GRANT CREATE, ALTER, DROP, INDEX, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE ON `database_name`.`table` TO 'username'@'localhost';

Otherwise, you can create tables manually, by executing provided .sql file in resource.


If you have an issue or questions, please visit our discord, and open a ticket.