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PS Dispatch Integration


Please very carefully read, to properly integrate ps-dispatch notifications for tracked players.

Add custom codes to ps-dispatch

Please open sv_dispatchcodes.lua at ps-dispatch/server/ and add custom codes provided below at the end of dispatchCodes Custom codes:

["bank_used"] =  {displayCode = '10-xx', description = "Tracked person used bank", radius = 0, recipientList = {'LEO', 'police'}, blipSprite = 442, blipColour = 1, blipScale = 0, blipLength = 2, sound = "Lose_1st", sound2 = "GTAO_FM_Events_Soundset", offset = "false", blipflash = "false"},
["atm_used"] = {displayCode = '10-xx', description = "Tracked person used ATM", radius = 0, recipientList = {'LEO', 'police'}, blipSprite = 442, blipColour = 1, blipScale = 0, blipLength = 2, sound = "Lose_1st", sound2 = "GTAO_FM_Events_Soundset", offset = "false", blipflash = "false"},

Please adjust any information to adjust your needs.

Add custom alerts to ps-dispatch

Please open cl_extraalerts.lua at ps-dispatch/client/ and add custom alerts with exports provided below at the end of file. Custom alerts:

local function UsedBankAlert(name)
local currentPos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
local locationInfo = getStreetandZone(currentPos)
local gender = GetPedGender()
dispatchcodename = "bank_used", -- has to match the codes in sv_dispatchcodes.lua so that it generates the right blip
dispatchCode = "10-xx",
firstStreet = locationInfo,
gender = gender,
model = nil,
plate = nil,
priority = 2, -- priority
firstColor = nil,
automaticGunfire = false,
origin = {
x = currentPos.x,
y = currentPos.y,
z = currentPos.z
dispatchMessage = ('%s used Bank'):format(name or 'Unknown'), -- message
job = {"LEO", "police"} -- type or jobs that will get the alerts
end exports('UsedBankAlert', UsedBankAlert)

local function UsedATMAlert(name)
local currentPos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
local locationInfo = getStreetandZone(currentPos)
local gender = GetPedGender()
dispatchcodename = "atm_used", -- has to match the codes in sv_dispatchcodes.lua so that it generates the right blip
dispatchCode = "10-xx",
firstStreet = locationInfo,
gender = gender,
model = nil,
plate = nil,
priority = 2, -- priority
firstColor = nil,
automaticGunfire = false,
origin = {
x = currentPos.x,
y = currentPos.y,
z = currentPos.z
dispatchMessage = ('%s Used ATM'):format(name or 'Unknown'), -- message
job = {"LEO", "police"} -- type or jobs that will get the alerts
end exports('UsedATMAlert', UsedATMAlert)

Edit fd_banking to support ps-dispatch

Please open modules/bridge/server/qb.lua and edit bridge.trackedPlayerUsed method to:

function bridge.trackedPlayerUsed(source, identifier, coords, type)
TriggerClientEvent("fd_banking:client:playerIsTracked", source, type)

Please open modules/bridge/client/qb.lua and before last end) add:

RegisterNetEvent("fd_banking:client:playerIsTracked", function(type)
local fullName = ("%s %s"):format(PlayerData.charinfo.firstname, PlayerData.charinfo.lastname)

if type == 'bank' then

if type == 'atm' then


Now server your server and you can test, if everything works as expected.