Current config
As you can see below, we kept most on original qbus functionality and config, it should be easilly understandable.
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.WhitelistedWeaponArmed = { -- weapons specifically whitelisted to not show armed mode
-- miscellaneous
-- melee
-- throwables
Config.CompassEnabledWithItem = false -- is compass enabled only with item?
Config.CompassItem = 'compass' -- item name
Config.UseKmh = true -- want to use km/h?
Config.NeededPlaneLicense = false -- if enabled, users will need license to drive heli or a plane
Config.VehicleFirstPersonAim = false -- if enabled, players will be forced for first person shooting from any vehicle
Config.ElectricVehicles = {
Config.UseFuel = true
Config.FuelExport = 'LegacyFuel'
Config.SeatbeltEnabled = true
-- Use MPH or KMH units, automatically will be converted to GTA units
Config.SeatbeltSpeed = {
without = 50,
with = 200
Config.SeatbeltKey = 'b'
Config.CruiseEnabled = true
Config.CruiseKey = 'i'
Config.MinimumSpeedToEnable = 50 -- Use MPH or KMH units, automatically will be converted to GTA units