HUD defaults
Current defaults
HUD preset default values can be found at: modules/hud/shared/defaults.lua
, changing those will affect new preset creation, and new users will get those default settings.
config.DefaultSettings = {
map = 'square', -- square or circle
theme = 'reign', -- any theme
delayed = true, -- is general hud thread delayed or not, might increase FPS for low end users
showHealthAlways = true,
showHealthLowerThan = 50,
showArmorAlways = true,
showArmorLowerThan = 50,
showStressAlways = false,
showStressHigherThan = 10,
showHungerAlways = true,
showHungerLowerThan = 50,
showThirstAlways = true,
showThirstLowerThan = 50,
showOxygenAlways = false,
showOxygenLowerThan = 50,
showSprintAlways = false,
showSprintLowerThan = 50,
compassFollowCam = true,
compassDelayed = true,
vehicleHudDelayed = true,
showFuelAlways = true,
showFuelLowerThan = 50,
notifyLowFuel = true,
cinematicEnabled = false,
cinematicBarsHeight = 10